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Location & How to get to us

We are located inside Saint Anne's Hospital in the beautiful city of Brno. You can find suggestions for places to visit in Brno on the official website GOtoBRNO.

The map below shows our exact location. For driving directions from any address, please type your starting location in the From Address field.

For information in English about trip planning using the public transport, please click here. The trip planner is on the right sidebar of the page. You can switch its language with the language buttons at the top right of the page.

For a public transport route from Brno main train station to our offices please click here. You can switch the language with the flag buttons at the bottom of the schedule. 

For a public transport route from Brno airport (Turany Airport) to our offices please click here. You can switch the language with the flag buttons at the bottom of the schedule.


From Address: